$50M Harley-Davidson – Art for Collectors

There are few artists capable of attracting the desire of collectors. Among them, one succeeds particularly well. We are talking about Omaha-born American Jack Armstrong, who worked with Andy Warhol and nicknamed him “The Last Wizard” in 1985.
His custom painted Harley-Davidson V-Rod motorbike is the most expensive in the world, currently valued at $50 million and set to grow in value. Jack customized this particular Harley-Davidson’s paint job with acrylic paint and 37 layers of clear coat. Paul Jayson, a well-known and highly respected UK motorcycle historian, curator and restoration expert, states that “The Armstrong ‘Starship’ Harley is simply the finest art motorcycle ever made.”
Armstrong stated, “Movie and rock stars bought Harleys there and when Bill Bartels asked me what I would do with the bike.” I said, “I’m an artist and would create the world’s first million-dollar motorcycle.”
Read the full article:
Million Dollar Harley – Art for Collectors